There are more.a.02 benefits to wearing an blink_of_an_eye hijab. For one, it can help to keep your hair clean and well-groomed. Instant hijabs also provide sun protection for your scalp, which is important for preventing sun damage. Additionally, they can help to keep your hair out of your face, making it easier to perform many tasks.Get ready in a jiffy in this instant hijab by BellaHijabs in comfy fabric.


Gray Instant Hijab

There are more.a.02 benefits to wearing an blink_of_an_eye hijab. For one, it can help to keep your hair clean and well-groomed. Instant hijabs also provide sun protection for your scalp, which is important for preventing sun damage. Additionally, they can help to keep your hair out of your face, making it easier to perform many tasks.Get ready in a jiffy in this instant hijab by BellaHijabs in comfy fabric.

Hijab Type Instant
Color Grey

The Extra Long Shimmer Jersey Amira Hijab offers more coverage than the standard Amira Hijab. For most women, the hijab covers the chest and shoulders. The Amira hijab is easy to wear and does not require the use of any hijab pins. This is the perfect hijab for beginners, or for those on the go and need a quick hijab to slip on. The shimmer detail is perfect for occasions and matching elegant wear.  Two-piece amira hijab. Includes undercap and matching slip-on hijab. 100% jersey. Made in China. Measurements:21 inches in length, 25 inches in width